Repetition is the key ingredient at this early stage Keep it simple. That’s my philosophy when it comes to teaching a dog the basics. The most important aspect of training a dog, whether a pup or 1-or-2-year-old, is putting them through lessons of repetition and gradually making the task more difficult. The problem most beginners […]
Kennel Floor Septic Systems
Septic system can help make your hunting companion a happy camper For dog owners, there’s nothing more detestable than having to clean up after their pets. A dirty kennel not only looks and smells bad, it also can be a breeding ground for numerous insects and bacterial and fungal growths. But a carefully designed septic […]
Building A Dog House
A dog on the loose is its own worst enemy. How many times have you seen a dog running about the neighborhood, digging in someone’s garbage cans? Or worse yet, getting hit by a car? Even in the country, a dog should have a place to go, where it will be protected from the weather, […]
Getting Started: A Pedigree
Evaluating a good gun dog begins with a Pedigree that explains a dog’s ancestry. What you see is what you get doesn’t necessarily hold true for dogs. Just by looking at a dog, even the keenest veterinarians and trainers can have difficulty critiquing a dog’s physical characteristics or potential problems it may develop in the future. That is why a pedigree is so important when […]
Picking A Puppy
Do some homework on genetics and follow a few basic guidelines and you’ll get a keeper. You probably all remember the line, “How much is that doggie in the window, the one with the waggly tail,” from your childhood days. When it comes to choosing a future hunting companion, basing the selection of a puppy […]
Buying A Gun Dog
Finding your first pup begins with research—and word of mouth is a good place to start. Spring is the time of the year most hunters are on the lookout for a new pup, one that will be ready to hunt in the fall. If the person already has a good hunting dog, chances are a good breeder […]
Energy For Hunting Dogs
Diet and nutritional supplements are crucial to keeping a dog from running out of gas during lengthy hunting trips. Most dogs, no matter how fit, will run out of gas on those three-and four-day hunting trips—if their diet isn’t properly supplemented with something that’s high in fat and protein. As a trainer, I’ve heard all […]
A Car Kennel As A Training Tool
What’s the first training tool an owner should get for a new puppy or dog? A canvas dummy? A dummy launcher? A check chord? A portable kennel should be the first order of business for a new dog owner. No matter what you call them—a dog crate, a dog carrier or portable kennel—or which style […]
Fetch It Up
‘Fetch’ and ‘back’ commands continue development of a puppy Just because a dog will retrieve a canvas dummy that’s thrown in the back yard doesn’t guarantee the same dog will be able to perform up to it owner’s expectations in the field come hunting season. The trouble with throwing canvas dummies is that the dog gets […]
A Backyard Kennel: Home Sweet Home
When a couple is awaiting a new baby, they usually have accommodations ready before the little one comes home. The new owner of a gun dog puppy should make the same commitment. The first thing I ask new dog owners is what kind of kennel they are going to keep their new pup in. I always stress […]
Puppies: The First 12 Weeks
The early stages of a puppy’s development will have a lasting impact—so a breeder’s litter management is crucial. A new puppy is a lot like a new baby. Both are very impressionable, and generally what they see and hear in the early stages of their development will have a lasting effect. That’s why it’s important […]